Wednesday 17 March 2010


Here is a little recipe that I have enjoyed on many a Paddy's Day and actually made this for Bulgarian TV as part of a show aired on Paddy's Day 2007.

I got the idea when I was in Greece teaching bartenders for Jameson in 2006. Each bar we went to gave you a plate of watermelon with your drinks.

So sitting there, eating a piece of watermelon and sipping on some Jameson on ice and I realise that they actually go well together, so when I get back to Ireland I created this little number called PULP FICTION.

5 big chunks of watermelon
15mls Monin Cane Sugar syrup
50mls Jameson

Method:- Chill a martini glass with some ice.Muddle the watermelon with the syrup in the bottom of a cocktail shaker. Add the Jameson. Add some ice and shake hard to break down the watermelon even more. Discard the ice from the martini glass and strain the liquid into the glass. Garnish with a small slice of watermelon.

So enjoy this drink for whats left of Paddy's day or at any other time.


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